Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day One Sweet Potatoes in Chowder

 Departed Falmouth at 0600.  Ralph got up to see us off.  Interesting conditions (calm seas, MUCH fog, malfunctioning radar) but we made good time and arrived at Westbrook by noon.

Dinner featured North Carolina chowder which is chowder with sweet potatoes.

Off to Manhasset tomorrow.  Hopefully the fog is done for a while.


  1. Hi Joel, Sue, Jim, Brenda and Watson! So fun reading about your adventures! You are falling behind though, we need an update, I'm looking for a real-time blog experience here. Good luck on the next leg from thence on to New Baltimore. Bon voyage!

  2. Watson,

    Did your typing leg break? We were standing by to hear more of your expedition, and updated weather conditions, and your whereabouts. We sure hope you are eating well, and getting your daily exercise to stay fit and trim!!

