Watson here. Still damp. Very damp. They keep telling me it will get better - but can't prove it by me. I am getting used to "holding it" while we skim across the waters. Thank goodness they choose to stop by early afternoon! We get a line on the dock and I make a made dash for the 1st blade of grass I see. This place seems nice. First: there are places to walk and sniff that are green close by. There is a path that leads up from the marina through the woods to a park. There were lots of doggy smells along the path - so it must be well used by boating canines like me. Also there appears to be a number of my kind here - so I get to meet and butt greet, as we doggies do. Last night, the parents threw me into the "Cave" where we sleep and abandoned me for a period of time that featured very loud booming noises and bright colored lights. I put my paws over my ears. Today they tell me we are going for walks around town. I consider it forced march. I am not eating much right now - the leftovers have not been great recently and my delicate constitution has been having some difficulty. But - maybe tonight I will get something better! Here is a picture of me at breakfast with my dad. And here is another picture of one of my favorite recurring doggy dreams (courtesy of Bill Holland). W
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