So I see all kinds of human stuff and refuse being dumped in a corner of a room the parents keep calling "the exercise room" for no reason that is apparent to me. There is no exercise that goes on within these walls unless I decide to make a few loops around the dining room table in 2nd gear. I can never quite rev it up much to make the corners - and sure don't have to when "my parents" are attempting to chase me. Never have been much competition. They should have gotten me a little buddy years ago. We could have whipped this place and them into shape. I digress.
So I hear talk that today is minus five days to launch. Ha! Could have fooled me! From my perch here on the back of the sofa, I can see the trees leaning sideways along with the driving rain in gusts of wind up to 56 miles/hour. The cute weathergirl on NESN was talking about 12 foot seas at noon today. No way am I getting on that little boat even with my PFD (that's personal floatation device to all you landlubbers). I might even get off the sofa to do a little sun dance.
I do hope that pile of stuff I see includes my needs: leftover fillet mignon, snausages, Trader Joe gourmet dog cookies. And IF I HAVE TO HAVE IT for my vegetable needs: Purina Fit and Trim to keep my bod svelt and pattable, and my coat soft and lustrous and my eyes like liquid pools.... but enough about me.
I expect to contribute to this blog from the dog's eye view - you know, down there with all those hairy legs, smelly human feet (which I do love) and hydrants. Stay tuned for my not so humble perspective - I keep trying to be the alpha of my pack - and it won't take a holiday on this trip. I figure if they can stuff me in the backseat of the Subaru 3 inches from the roof, sitting on a pile of boxes they drag back and forth to Florida a couple of times a year, I can do this with ease! Unfortunately, I overheard I have to go to the dreaded groomer tomorrow to have all those lovely smells I have worked so hard to acquire over the past few weeks removed. But never fear - I know I can find some fishguts or gull dodo to roll in as we wind our way towards the Hudson and then north - so please stay tuned for more!!
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